Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Newsletter March 2021

March 2021


Shalom Faithful Ones in Yeshua (Jesus),


I am so excited and I just cannot hide it! With everything that has happened this past month and will happen in this month ahead, the Spirit of God leaps within me! I love how it is stated in Malachi 4:2, “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings and you will go forth skipping about like calves from the stall.” Halleluyah! Please skip with us at Abundant Bread of Salvation. Rejoice in the Lord!


By the time you receive this update letter, the Passover Resurrection season will be upon us. We want to take this time to wish you all a very special Happy Passover as you celebrate The Resurrected Passover Lamb, YeshuaHe is our peace and only hope, the Hope of Israel.



Ministry trip to the U.S.A.

My time in America was an incredible blessing filled with many miracles that I can fill several novels. My return home to Israel was postponed roughly a month because of airport closures in Israel. The many ministry meetings I had, mostly in California, were filled with excitement as I shared about the abundant opportunities we have had over this last year during Covid-19, even seeing lives transformed for eternity from Holocaust survivors, orphans, widows, single mothers, Ethiopian and Russian Jewish immigrants, war veterans and native Israelis. Thank you all who received me with open arms as well as for your prayers and financial support! 



Another amazing door the Lord opened up for me and Abundant Bread of Salvation happened on the famous Las Vegas strip. I was invited to be a featured Israeli Messianic Jewish dancer in a DVD recording, promoting Project Arise, by dear friends and supporters, Mindy and Ralph Seta, from Messianic Dance Camps International. Contact me or them directly if you would like to see the dances or order the one-of-a-kind DVD.

Pictured Below: Pictures from the Live Recording, Arise on the Las Vegas Strip. Featured song, Mountain of the Lord with Joshua Aaron and Aaron Shust.

Click HERE, to view the Messianic Dance recording on You Tube, Mountain of The Lord-Messianic Dance



Pictured Below: I also had the great opportunity to visit with my Jewish mother and father on several occasions, to honor them, feast with them, and rejoice in their salvation of our Jewish Messiah! My last highlight was celebrating my birthday with them on the beach front of the Pacific Ocean. 

Ephesians 6:2- “Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise.”



This month we continued our activities like every month, however, praise Adonai, we received another five-ton food delivery as well as the high priority item of over 500 packages of toilet paper. Because of your faithful prayers and financial assistance, our poor and needy people are smiling with appreciation as their physical and eternal needs are being met. The local leaders of the Holocaust survivors, since my return to Israel, have called me on several occasions, excited to hear about my meetings in the U.S.A. and our continued support to them.

Pictures below of food delivery we received because of your prayers and financial support. We could not do this with YOU.

Click HERE, to give your biggest support towards

our Passover food bags.



One of the special poor and needy groups that we assist are the Ethiopian Jewish immigrants. Amazingly, during this Corona Virus year, Israel recently has been able to assist the Jewish Ethiopians who have been stuck in their land to make Aliyah (immigrate) to Israel. Our non-profit has the great opportunity to help with food bags and encourage these poor and needy Ethiopians every month as well as those who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10.) They came this week to pick up their goods and were extremely blessed!

If you have a heart for these poor Jewish Ethiopian Jews, please click HERE now to give towards their wellbeing.



As an organization, we do our utmost to steer away from politics, but there has never been a time more crucial than now to call for major prayer and intercession for Israel’s fourth election for Prime Minister in roughly two years. In the natural, things are very bad, and it appears hopeless, however, our trust is not in the leaders of this world but our Eternal Creator and Master of the Universe. Daniel 2:21 says, “He changes times and seasons. He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” Here is a most exciting, precious scripture to end on in Hebrews 13:8; “Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ), is the same yesterday, today and forever.” The Great Passover Lamb!


Thank you for your selfless and eternal prayers and support

of our kingdom work!




Brian and the Abundant Bread of Salvation Team


Brian Slater-CEO / Projects Manager

Email Me at: Brian@AbundantBread.com