Instructions on how to give towards Adopt-A-Survivor Program

Thank you for supporting this first of it’s kind Adopt-A-Survivor Program through, Abundant Bread of Salvation.  Every week in Netanya we see Holocaust survivors walk through our doors of our Soup Kitchen and Clothing Distribution Center.  We are also giving out food bags to over 400 families every month.  We also take Survivors on Biblical Trips and do outreaches/events for them, Handicap Veterans, Widows and Orphans, and give food coupons as well as medical / optical / dental assistance to the poor and needy Holocaust Survivors here in Israel.

Questions: please contact Abundant Bread of Salvation at:
(213) 265-9796

Adoption Donations:
Can be sent in several ways mentioned below:
When sending checks to Texas address,
Please write ALL checks out to,
Blessing Israeli Believers, UNLESS sending to Israel
and make a note, specifically designating the check to:
ABOS-Adoption Program, Israel.

1) By mail. Please send checks payable to:
 "Blessing Israeli Believers",
P.O. Box 2625, Pearland, TX 77588
Please be sure to note "ABOS-Adoption Program, Israel"


2) On-line gifts via PayPal or E-Giving
Please be sure to note "ABOS-Adoption Program, Israel"


3) Send your adoption pledge directly to Israel:
You may send directly to the below address: 
Abundant Bread of Salvation
c/o-Brian Slater
P.O.Box 548
Netanya, 4210401
Please make checks out to: Abundant Bread of Salvation,
and make sure, it is marked somewhere,
ABOS-Adoption Program, Israel.
Abundant Bread of Salvation

PLEASE, pay close attention, IF, checks are written and sent to U.S.A to Blessing Israeli Believers, PLEASE write check to Blessing Israeli Believers, IF, You are sending a check directly to us in Israel, PLEASE, write check out to Abundant Bread of Salvation.

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