Thursday, September 12, 2024

Newsletter - August 2024

Making A Difference In Israel

Partnering with Blessing Israeli Believers

August 2024

We are in a sizzling summer here in Israel...

Even more during a time of war against our enemies that want to destroy us, the heat is on. In Hebrews 12:29, it says “Our God is a Consuming Fire”Very interesting words. Please pray with us that, His fire fall on our enemies that pursue our destruction and that they be scattered and that our Jewish people will turn their hearts and eyes towards the Lord Yeshua. Speaking of hearts, we want to open this letter with the greatest news of all. In last month’s prayer letter, we wrote a hopeful proclamation that, we would see many “come into His Eternal Kingdom”.

Below pictures are AN ANSWER, to the above hopeful proclamation abundantly! Three precious women have come to faith in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). Halleluyah! Thank you for standing with us in prayer

 and support, that we will see more like these come into His Kingdom.

They were filled with joy and the Ruach HaKodesh-(Holy Spirit),

as they came into an eternal relationship

The Good News!  We rejoice with exuberant praise and dance, that this month we were able to pray for three of our Jewish people that freely wanted to turn their hearts over to the Lord Yeshua. Glory to God! It really was miraculous as each one happened on its own in different scenarios, but all during our ministry activities that you pray for and support. Thank you, dear friends. This makes it all worth it to see them know Him and the power of His resurrectionThe set time has come! They need your support like never before! We are at war and every day is uncertain. We want them to have eternal security. Please CLICK HERE to give your largest gift now. Thank you Todah Robah!

One of these Jewish people came to faith during the wedding anniversary day of my wife and I, where we had planned a huge outreach BBQ on the army base of our precious IDF soldiers that put their lives on the line daily. We went with a group of six brave believers from the USA that came specifically to Israel to be a blessing and help in any way they can during Israel’s hardest time in history. These Israeli soldiers were hugely blessed, happy, and encouraged by us doing this. They shared personal miracle stories when we asked them. We were able to speak life into them and prayers of protection and fill their stomachs with great food as they entered Shabbat, waiting to be called into Gaza at any moment for their tactical missionsThese were all Special Fighter Elite Forces.  Am Israel Chai (The People of Israel Live)!  This specific army base on the border with Gaza came under attack during October 7th and many soldiers were massacred and taken hostage into Gaza from this very place! Thankfully, we were able to bring new life, prayers, and to proclaim Isaiah 61 into each one of them as this army base was so recently covered in blood. Thank God for new life! 

We want to ask for more help for IDF soldiers and to be able to do more BBQ’s, donate canned foods, as well as provide for other emergency requests they have. Is God’s hand too short to provide $30,000 for these needs? Of course not!  What part are you going to play in changing and providing for these precious lives for eternity? PLEASE CLICK HERE, to show your support for these soldiers and for Israel.

Pictures above with IDF Soldiers during our BBQ Blessing. They were extremely

grateful and encouraged by Believers in Yeshua.

We continue to do our weekly soup kitchens that bring our people together for an amazing meal, while others are stuck and lonely at home. Our food bag program continues to provide for our 400 families, a local Bible-based drug and alcohol rehab program as well as a Messianic Ethiopian Congregation and many other local Believers in Yeshua. What a blessing to serve so many and provide for their spiritual hunger and thirst.  We cannot do this without your faithful prayers and support! Click HERE, to give towards our food bag program that feeds hundreds monthly.

Below Pictures: Our Food Bag Program, Our Weekly Soup Kitchens and food provision for a local Bible Based Drug and Alcohol Program as well as Messianic Ethiopian Believers in Yeshua.

Holocaust Survivors: This month we were also able to attend a funeral. This really was a great loss for us. Moshe was a great man, pioneer Holocaust survivor, and board member of the National and Netanya Holocaust Survivor organization. Abundant Bread of Salvation purchased two large memorial flower rings. One for Abundant Bread of Salvation and one for the Holocaust Survivor Organization as none of the other Survivors had the strength or health to attend. We stood in the gap in a big way and the family members really appreciated this as we poured the love of God out in the scorching sun.

Click HERE, to support these sensitive family issues. It very well could help to see life from the dead.

Lastly, we also did a home visit to a Holocaust survivor this week with the same group that helped with the Soldier BBQ. Gabi, the survivor, was blessed and filled to overflowing as we sang songs and reigned down love and hugs upon her.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support for this Kingdom work for Yeshua (Jesus)!

Brian and the Abundant Bread of Salvation Team

Brian Slater-CEO / Projects Manager

Email Me at:

Who Are We? Learn More. Visit Our Website


Abundant Bread of Salvation

(213) 265-9796



Please be sure to note "ABOS-Brian Slater in Israel" in memo/note or purpose section.

1) By mail. Please send checks made payable to "Blessing Israeli Believers", P.O. Box 2625, Pearland, TX 77588, or

2) On-line gifts via Paypal or E-Giving at:

3) Coming soon....more ways to give!

For those wanting to send donations directly to Israel and do not need a U.S. tax receipt, please email for wire/bank transfer instructions.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Newsletter - June /July 2024


Making a Difference in Israel

Abundant Bread of Salvation

(Partnering with Blessing Israeli Believers)

June/July 2024

Shalom Alechem - (Peace be unto you) Precious One

in Yeshua (Jesus),

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is Good!  I love proclaiming His Word and His promises. This is our only hope as well as the only hope of the world. My job this month leading into July, as CEO of Abundant Bread of Salvation, has brought me to the U.S.A. to teach, educate, update, raise financial support, raise prayer support and to pray for the hurting and broken people that come along our ministry path, which have been many. Glory to God, for His strength and mercy that has carried us through multiple speaking engagements in over ten states. As I write this letter, I sit on an outside patio (at the house of a Spirit filled Messianic Leader in Canton, Ohio who is hosting me). I’m listening to the beautiful birds and viewing ponds with green lily pads proclaiming the goodness of God. What a blessing to have these peaceful moments to write to you. Halleluyah!

My Back Yard Office in Canton, Ohio above picture

I want to proclaim a couple verses for you to read out loud.

1 Thessalonians 5:3, “For when they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them as travail upon a woman with child.”

Thanking our Messiah Yeshua for the below verse in John 14:27 that states, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  All that to say, Hizbollah terrorists in Lebanon are increasing their evil tasks to attempt to destroy our land and people. My friends, get ready to see the hand of the Lord work in a mighty way. Please pray for our IDF and its leaders, that they will be directed by the Holy Spirit to destroy these satanic evil forces. We need all believers and especially Prayer Warriors, to stand in the gap now more than ever. As we head back to our war-torn Promised Land to continue this Kingdom work, I’m excited that the Lord has raised us up for “such a time as this”. May we see many come into His eternal Kingdom.

PLEASE, If you consider yourself an Intercessor or prayer warrior, would you kindly contact me by text message or FB Messenger, as I'd like to make a specific group to pray for Abundant Bread of Salvation. CLICK HERE for phone number.

We have just finished celebrating Shavuot-Pentecost, The Biblical holiday of (The Feast of Weeks). We celebrate the giving of the commandments, the giving of the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) and the giving of the First Fruits of the Harvest. Will you consider giving your largest First Fruits gift, that we may be abundant in our outreach not lacking anything, while we do the most practical work of helping the Holocaust survivors, poor and needy, widows, single mothers and orphans in the Land of Milk and Honey?

PLEASE CLICK HERE, to give your best First Fruits Gift, SO, that we may see a spiritual harvest and provide the most basic practical needs of our Holocaust survivors and poor and needy.

In June, we also celebrated Father’s Day. It was a huge blessing as I was able to speak about our Father in Heaven at a fellowship that celebrated Pentecost and then we all went out as a family and celebrated the goodness of our father on earth as well as our Heavenly Father.  He is a Good Good Father! Amen!

Below Picture of The Pentecost (Shavuot) service that I was able to share about our Abba Father and His giving and His provision.

One of the many divine appointments that also happened on Father’s Day, was just by God’s divine appointment. I was able to visit the home of the founding members of Alcoholics Anonymous- (AA in 1939 Dr. Bob and Bill W.) in Akron Ohio, together with my friend and Messianic Rabbi and his wife. This was so great and a total completing of a life cycle circle. Here is WHY: It was to the credit of AA as well as the guiding of the Holy Spirit in Yeshua that I started my sobriety at the age of seventeen by attending these very AA meetings every day until I came to faith in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus). Halleluyah! I took the below pictures, said a prayer of thanksgiving, and then walked down the very Twelve Steps of the actual house from where it all started, and many lives saved as well as mine. Praise Adonai! This was a miracle visit and a BIG, connecting of the dots of Gods providential hand on my life of service to others, in Israel. Only He could have planned this journey and bringing me to Israel to do His will and fulfilling His prophetical plan.

SEE PICTURES BELOW: Alcoholics Anonymous - Dr. Bob's home, as well as pictures of me doing target practice on Father's day in a shooting range with the Messianic family. For the first time, I was able to shoot several big guns including one gun Made in Israel. I cannot even do this type of shooting in Israel and this was for fun, just look at my target! I even said a prayer during this time for the protection of our IDF Soldiers as well as a release of our 120 Israeli Hostages held by our enemy Hamas. Down with Hamas, in with His Eternal Love!

My Jewish Relatives in Alabama and Indianapolis On this trip, I also had the divine appointment and privilege visiting two of my Jewish relatives and their precious family members. In both Alabama as well as Indianapolis, the Lord did such amazing things after not seeing these family members in over forty years. I was able to share my testimony of how I came to faith, with them inquiring, as well as speak about our historical Jewish family history. I also was able to give them some gifts from Israel including anointing oil as I held their hands and prayed and spoke blessings over them and their families. I also gave them a hand knitted quilt made by a Holocaust survivor in Israel after i heard that their son works at the largest Holocaust museum in Washington D.C. They we blessed beyong belief and the Holy Spirit was VERY present. You could feel His love being poured out upon them. Thank you for your prayers.

It is so amazing to connect with family members. Thank you all for being our spiritual family and for all your prayers and support.

We also want to thank each one of you and wish you a Happy 4th of July. We celebrate the Independence of the U.S.A. as well as our dependence on Messiah Yeshua, our only hope.

We continue to pray and thank God for the failed assasination attempt on the President of the United States and the other family members who's lives were lost and injured. God Bless America and God Bless Israel.

LAST ANNOUNCMENT: We know the Word of the Lord says, that He will bless those who bless Israel. As we continue to shine His light in this dark world in the most practical ways and with the love of Yeshua, WILL YOU PLEASE, prayerfully consider giving an extra one time gift or increasing your monthly gift? This will enable us to really shine His light even brighter and more effective. PLEASE CLICK HERE if you may!

In all our ways we acknowledge Him and trust him.

Am Israel Chai, The People of Israel Live and Yeshua Chai Forever!

Brian and the Abundant Bread of Salvation Team

Brian Slater-CEO / Projects Manager

Email Me at:

Who Are We? Learn More. Visit Our Website

Abundant Bread of Salvation | (213) 265-9796 |


Questions: please contact Abundant Bread of Salvation at (213) 265-9796 



Please be sure to note "ABOS-Brian Slater in Israel" in memo/note or purpose section.

1) By mail. Please send checks made payable to "Blessing Israeli Believers", P.O. Box 2625, Pearland, TX 77588, or

2) On-line gifts via Paypal or E-Giving at:

New Option:

For those wanting to send donations directly to Israel and do not need a U.S. tax receipt, please email for wire/bank transfer instructions.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Newsletter - May 2024


Making a Difference in Israel

Abundant Bread of Salvation

(Partnering with Blessing Israeli Believers)

May 2024

Shalom and Peace be unto you from our Father and our Lord Yeshua (Jesus), from Israel. 

Despite our current challenging war situation against our enemies, we are a land flowing with milk and honey and amazing beauty. Last month, we had a wonderful time celebrating Passover, (the Feast of Unleavened Bread). We had a huge feast with roughly twenty friends in the Galilee, which included lamb, to symbolize Yeshua our Passover Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. This is our greatest freedom and He paid it in full for us. Halleluyah! Good News indeed! 

This month has been packed with both heart-breaking challenges as well as big miracles happening right before our eyes. Holocaust Memorial Daywas commemorated this year like no other time in history. We remembered those whose lives were cut short, lit six flames remembering the six million massacred and reflected on our current struggle for existence, post October 7th. This month we also commemorate Israel’s Memorial Day, remembering the countless IDF soldiers and citizens lives that were taken in order to protect our precious, prophetic, and ONLY Jewish nationMay all their names be remembered and blessed for Zion’s sake. What a promise in Psalm 91:11, which says “He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways”. 

As a soldier for Yeshua, that is you, will you please prayerfully consider giving your largest battle gift that will give towards those who are suffering. Most of these people come monthly and receive a food bag and much more. CLICK HERE to give.

As we wait in prayer and tears for the hopeful return of our 128 Israeli hostages from the hands of Hamas, this month we celebrate (but in a much different way) Israel’s 76 years of Independence as a state. With the help of God and great faith, Israel is fighting for her existence and independence like never before as world powers tell us how to fight this battle against our enemies that want to destroy us as a nation and a people. Sound familiar? Am Israel Chai (The People of Israel Live)! Thank you for your continued prayers as we fight these battles, which affect the whole world. Isaiah 35:2 says, “The desert will bloom with flowers. It will be very glad and shout for joy. Everyone will see the glory of the Lord. They will see the beauty of our God”

By supporting the work of Abundant Bread of Salvation, you are helping to make the deserts bloom and seeing eternal life bloom. Halleluyah! Please click HERE, to give your largest donation supporting our thriving and resilient Land of Israel. Pray about giving for Israel's Independence day with 76, 760, 7600 or as much as you can for Israel's amazing celebration.

Holocaust Survivors receive checks in hand. It was our great pleasure and honor to gather and give two groups of Holocaust survivors checks totaling almost $20,000 U.S. dollars. This comes through our Adopt-A-Survivor program, which you can take part in. Please prayerfully consider this, before it is too late. Click HERE. They need you now! Please contact us to inquire and receive an application or go on our website. These funds are essential aid for them and are given in the name of Yeshua for His glory. Please help them to not have to make the choice between food and medication.

BELOW, are amazing pictures from our strings free check and financial check distribution to these precious Holocaust survivors. PLEASE, would you like to be part of this while they are still alive and in their greatest need?

Israel War Brief! It is almost a waste of space to give you a report here as there are so many good alternative media reports out there. So, what I will say is that daily life in most parts of Israel do go on as normal. People are not stuck in their bomb shelters but are turning to God much more than before the war, especially the Israeli soldiers that God is using in miraculous ways to have wisdom to protect this prophetic biblical nation that will ultimately be the epicenter of our Messiah and King Yeshua (Jesus)He will rule and reign from the Mount of Olives, where I recently visited the other day, where my father, Frank, is buried. Halleluyah! Please continue to pray for the IDF and for the soon return of our Israeli Hostages to be released in Yeshua’s name. 

Ministry trip to the U.S.A. I leave at the end of this month for a four-week ministry trip to share about Abundant Bread of Salvation and to give updates on Israel and how the Lord is moving mightily. Please keep us in your prayers for many divine appointments and an abundance of prayers, financial support, and volunteers coming to help.

Now for The Mothers! We wish first, my mother, Gail, a Happy Mother’s Day and to all you other mothers and grandmothers!

Thanking God for the Jewish Mother who gave birth to our Messiah Yeshua.  Amen! 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Brian and the Abundant Bread of Salvation Team

Brian Slater-CEO / Projects Manager

Email Me at:

Who Are We? Learn More. Visit Our Website

Abundant Bread of Salvation | (213) 265-9796 |


Questions: please contact Abundant Bread of Salvation at (213) 265-9796 



Please be sure to note "ABOS-Brian Slater in Israel" in memo/note or purpose section.

1) By mail. Please send checks made payable to "Blessing Israeli Believers", P.O. Box 2625, Pearland, TX 77588, or

2) On-line gifts via Paypal or E-Giving at:

New Option:

For those wanting to send donations directly to Israel and do not need a U.S. tax receipt, please email for wire/bank transfer instructions.