Friday, June 29, 2018

Newsletter June 2018

June 2018

Greetings, Dear Follower of the Most High of Israel,

I always love the words of Psalm 121:4, which says, "He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep!  Out of all the countries, nations and kingdoms of this world, tiny Israel is chosen to be the example of God's sleeping patterns.  I myself am a late night person and actually am writing this letter on Father's Day while the stars shine their glory.  A special blessing to all who have the awesome privilege of being a Father (Abba) on earth.  We ALL, have a good, good Father above!
As a child, I loved playing the simple connect-the-dots game, which always created a special shape that I would typically color in. Similar is the Kingdom of God, in that He has perfect order and design connecting the spiritual dots in our personal lives.

If you received last month's prayer letter, in the first paragraph I wrote, "I'm inspired by the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) to make a declaration of the scripture, Ezekiel 37:3-5, which talks about prophesying over the dry bones that God will breathe new life into them."

Well, friends, since making this declaration, we are happy to proclaim that four more of our Jewish people have prayed to receive this new breath of life, accepting their Jewish Messiah, Yeshua!  We also prayed over a woman of faith that had chronic pain in her back and arm and she was instantly healed rejoicing in her salvation!  Glory!  These are miracles happening before our eyes!  You can only imagine how ecstatic our team was as we work day and night to see the spiritual fruit of our physical help and your many prayers and essential financial support.

Memories of Poland trip and connecting the dots.
One of the many prophetic words God spoke to me before going to Poland was that I was to shave my head while in Poland, which could only be accomplished on a Sabbath.  This was a personal act of obedience in standing with our Jewish people, who were forced to have their heads shaved, ripping their identity from them and then their hair was sold to German companies to make seat cushions and upholstery, among other cruel things.

Above picture left: I am standing in humble reflection and prayer over one the most horrific sites were our Jewish children were massacred by the Nazis, in the middle of the forest
 where know one could see. 
We then went to the famous Oskar Schindler Factory where many Jews were saved from being sent to the death camps.  Abundant Bread of Salvation, wants to take this opportunity to thank all the Righteous Gentiles who stood up to protect and save our Jewish People.  We, are eternally thankful!

Ironically, connecting the dots, the day I arrived back from Poland to Israel, I had a planned meeting doing a Royalty Meal with a member of the Schindler family and their tour group, with almost a dozen Holocaust survivors that I invited to a five star hotel in Netanya!  They shared their testimonies of survival as well as the member of the Schindler family sharing her heart and love for the living survivors who were saved from being part of the piles of ashes.

Connecting more dots.
The day after this meeting, I had a scheduled bus rented for 50 Holocaust survivors, taking them on a special two-hour journey south.  In the City of Arad, an artist believer made an amazing exhibit showcasing six (representing the six million Jews massacred), different emotionally-moving, Holocaust survivor, human-sized bronze statues.  Together with these statues on the backdrop wall are six different stages depicting the suffering of our Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).  The survivors were moved to tears, realizing Yeshua was with them even during the Holocaust!  By God's divine dots connecting again, it just so happened that the same Schindler group went before us at this same exhibit, so they were again blessed with a divine encounter meeting each other.  There is so much more I'll have to share in next month's prayer letters.

One last very important news item that is no less important than anything above... Last month we shared about the dire financial need for our weekly food bag program that is impacting hundreds of lives eternally every month for the Kingdom.  We are still lacking over $40,000 US dollars that will help to cover this expense for the next six months that we currently do not have.  Please pray and see how Messiah Yeshua speaks to your heart to cover this need.  Every little bit of seed money counts! Over 2000 people are relying on you as financial donors to fill this much-needed physical food gap. Please, may I also ask you to share this with ten of your friends or family members that love Israel and the Messiah of Israel as well as the work of ABOS?

In ALL your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

Brian and the Abundant Bread of Salvation Team
May we see more of these dry bones live on forever eternally!  Amen!

Brian Slater-CEO / Projects Manager
Email Me at: