Friday, December 27, 2024

Newsletter - December 2024


"Partnering with "Blessing Israeli Believers"

December 2024

Here in Israel, we are still going through the most horrible war for over 14 months..

2025 new year blessing

...but we are happy to say that with God’s help we are winning this battle and then some! Halleluyah! It has become apparent to the entire world that this is not just a physical war, but a spiritual one, to annihilate the Jewish people. The enemy believes he will prevent the purposes of God, but God has proven over and over this past year that HE is the victor of this battle!

Speaking of victories, we want to express to you that we’re so grateful for the many miracles the Lord has bestowed upon us here at ABOS in 2024, most especially for all the people who made the decision to follow the King of Kings (Yeshua), this past year! This is a battle that has been won for Yeshua’s glory, because of your prayers and support. Please continue helping into 2025 as we advance on the enemy’s strongholds and “take them by force!” This is a reference to Yeshua’s words in Matthew 11:12 as He explains that the Kingdom of God suffers “violence,” pointing to the enormous crowds that followed John the Baptist, as an illustration of people pressing in like an army trying to besiege a city, eager for a blessing. During 2024, we have seen this kind of longing for salvation among the people we’ve served, thanks to your support of this ministry and the many volunteers who have come from all over the world!

End of the Year Report from Israel in the Studio

For His Kingdom purposes, thousands of our Jewish people were tangibly blessed and prayed for with many giving their hearts and lives to their Messiah, Halleluyah! We gave away roughly 80 tons of food (serving at least over 400 families monthly) at our distribution center in Netanya and brought food items and tactical equipment to the IDF.

At our soup kitchen, each needy person received a home-cooked, sit-down, five-course meal in our wonderful soup kitchen. At least 5000 hot meals were served and many times, take-home meals, to help them through the week. We also gave away over 40 tons of new and used clothes and blankets as well as much needed furniture.

For His Kingdom purposes, we visited local orphanagesWe also provided finances, sets of new blankets, shoes, school supplies, suitcases, toys, and clothes to hundreds of needy orphans including field trips for the holidays. On several occasions, the leaders of the Orthodox orphanage came to our headquarters to give us letters of appreciation.

CLICK HERE: to give towards all these above wonderful opportunities to bless the orphans.

Want to adopt an oprhan, please contact us.

Our Adopt-A-Holocaust Survivor Program has almost 50 survivors who are financially adopted by believers! We are hoping you consider supporting these survivors again for the coming year. Every soul is precious, and their time is SHORT, so please sign up before it is too late and they are all gone. We have another 50 who have not yet been adopted, where can you help? If you would like to sign up or you want to know more about the adoption program, please contact Brian HERE, or email

For His Kingdom purposes, we WILL see many more lives saved in 2025 from the grasp of the enemy, through the practical Kingdom work of this ministry. Sadly, since October 7, many lives have been lost on the battlefield and several of our precious hostages in the tunnels of Gaza as well. We remember the painful sacrifices they made for the nation of Israel. Support for the IDF is still ongoing with barbeques, food donations and equipment, so please, in this season of Hannukah miracles, pray and give your greatest gifts to provide for more abundance – including this latest cease fire – may it hold in the name of Yeshua! Your tax-deductible gift must be dated by December 31, 2024. Together, we soar like eagles with His love into 2025!

We continue to pray for our government leaders, especially during such tumultuous times, globallyOur ultimate authority is the Lord Himself, and He is involved intimately in the affairs of mankindWe’re grateful that Yeshua is on the throne, no matter who rules the nations. His ways are higher than ours and we know and trust that He will use righteous and evil rulers alike for His glory. AMEN!

We still have some Messianic 18-month calendars for the upcoming year that we want to bless you with for a donation of $45 or more, but they’re going fast! It’s a great way to help the ministry and when you donate, be sure to mark your donation with the words “Biblical Calendar” so that you receive this gift that will be sent to your front door or send to a friend.

Click HERE, to donate and receive one of these beautiful Biblical Calendars.

In conclusion, we are asking for your continued prayers and support for the rent that is due at the end of the year for our ministry center. We presently meet the needs of hundreds and through you, Yeshua brings life and transformation to so many who enter these doors! We thank you so much for your support and prayers during these extremely challenging times here in Israel! Because of you, we are able to shine His amazing light that brings eternal life and we are seeing miracles daily, especially during this war. Click HERE, to donate and help us keep our doors open daily to hundreds of poor and needy as well as Holocaust survivors, orphans and widows in Yeshua's name.

Happy New. Year, in His eternal hope!

Brian and the

Abundant Bread Of Salvation Team

Brian Slater, CEO - Projects Manager



Abundant Bread of Salvation

(213) 265-9796


Please be sure to note "ABOS-Brian Slater in Israel" in memo/note or purpose section.

1) By mail. Please send checks made payable to "Blessing Israeli Believers", P.O. Box 2625, Pearland, TX 77588, or

2) On-line gifts via Paypal or E-Giving at:

3) Coming soon....more ways to give!

For those wanting to send donations directly to Israel and do not need a U.S. tax receipt, please email for wire/bank transfer instructions.

Newsletter - November 2024


"Partnering with "Blessing Israeli Believers"

November 2024

The word “shalom” is the hope of peace over the Jewish people under constant threat of annihilation... 

Still, we know our God is our true shalom and we trust in Him with all our hearts! Ephesians 6:12 proclaims over us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Praise God! Thank you for your prayers! 


As we concluded the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) we were reminded that this life is our temporary home. My wife and I are moving to another house during a time of war, which has been extra stressful, but we are grateful for your prayers and His provision! Because of you, we can provide tangible goods and services to the needy here, along with spiritual counsel and witness. We’re filled with joy as we pour out His joy to those we serve!

Besides our food distribution arm of the ministry (serving over 400 people) and our weekly soup kitchen, we had two Royalty Meals where volunteers from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and China came to serve! One of those banquets was held in the yard of a beautiful home in Netanya where we spoiled at least 40 Holocaust survivors, single mothers and widows. Four of the volunteers were harpists who held a concert and brought Heaven down to EarthSo many expressed to us that they could feel the Spirit of the Lord pouring over themPlease click HERE, if you'd like to invest into this Kingdom work that pours living waters into the hundreds of poor and needy and Holocaust survivors that we serve monthly.

Pictures above and below are from this glorious event with our friends

 from the nations and Holocaust survivors.

Above pictures are Good News book, Organic Honey, Malaysian fan with Scripture Verses gift

A week later, we had a second Royalty Meal at a beautiful restaurant with over 75 in attendance! This heavenly event was filled with so much life and was facilitated by servants from Asia who blessed our guests with special dances and banner presentations! They brought gifts of organic honey, flags from their nations, and hand fans with scriptures written on them. The evening included much dancing and celebration as we filled their spirits and their stomachs with testimonies of hope and salvation!

Above pictures you see our precious Arab Brothers serving our precious Holocaust Survivors

We had a very meaningful soup kitchen facilitated by a local Messianic rehab center where former drug addicts and alcoholics did the cookingIsraeli Arabs and Jews serving together after they themselves were rehabilitated! It’s only the Lord who can bring people together under one tent with such love and gratitude and Abundant Bread of Salvation, through your generosity, is so thankful to be a part of that!

Please click HERE, to support a weekly soup kitchen and see more Arabs serving our Jewish people with the love of Yeshua.

We have been praying for our government leaders, along with the recent elections in the United States that concluded with the installment of a new presidentOur ultimate authority is the Lord Himself, and He is involved intimately in the affairs of mankindWe’re grateful that Yeshua is on the throne, no matter who rules the nation. His ways are higher than ours and we know and trust that He will use those elected for His glory. AMEN!

We still have some Messianic 18-month calendars for the upcoming year that we want to bless you with for a donation of $45 or more, but they’re going fast! It’s a great way to help the ministry and when you donate, be sure to mark your donation with the words “Biblical Calendar” so that you receive this gift that will be sent to your front door or send to a friend.

Click HERE, to donate and receive one of these beautiful Biblical Calendars.

In conclusion, we are asking for prayers and support for the rent that is due at the end of the year for our ministry center. We presently meet the needs of hundreds and through you, Yeshua brings life and transformation to so many who enter these doors! We thank you so much for your support and prayers during these extremely challenging times here in Israel! Because of you, we are able to shine His amazing light that brings eternal life and we are seeing miracles daily especially during this war.

Click HERE, to donate and help us keep our doors open daily to hundreds of poor and needy as well as Holocaust survivors, orphans and widows in Yeshua's name.

Shalom and blessings in our victorious Messiah!

Brian and the

Abundant Bread Of Salvation Team

Brian Slater, CEO - Projects Manager



Abundant Bread of Salvation

(213) 265-9796


Please be sure to note "ABOS-Brian Slater in Israel" in memo/note or purpose section.

1) By mail. Please send checks made payable to "Blessing Israeli Believers", P.O. Box 2625, Pearland, TX 77588, or

2) On-line gifts via Paypal or E-Giving at:

3) Coming soon....more ways to give!

For those wanting to send donations directly to Israel and do not need a U.S. tax receipt, please email for wire/bank transfer instructions.

Newsletter - October 2024


Making A Difference In Israel

Partnering with Blessing Israeli Believers

October 2024

"Even in the grip of war on seven fronts...

Anas Baba AFP via Getty Images

Above picture is an actual picture of what many of our days look like, and some days much worse.

We Praise Yeshua, for His miraculous protection over us and we thank God for the amazing

Iron Dome system that was invented by Israel that has saved millions of lives.

...God has bestowed on Israel strength, wisdom, courage, favor, grace and mercy! Halleluyah! And even here at Abundant Bread of Salvation, our challenges are met by the most amazing volunteers! This last month, we were fortunate to host not one, but two concerts on behalf of the ministry, all for the benefit of the poor and needy people we serve through your generous donations. Our friend and amazing Messianic Jewish musician, Sally Klein O’Connor and her team of ten from Improbable People Ministries came to Israel to bring love and light to our Holocaust survivors with their “A Tour Of Roses” outreach and a beautiful concert to benefit our soup kitchen. It was a glorious time of music and fellowship as they loved on our people with many beautiful roses, touching their hearts for Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) through her personal testimony and Spirit filled music . We also had a local group of Messianic Jewish believers come who gave their testimonies and shared their music. It was a beautiful thing to see such exuberant dancing taking place, even in the midst of wars all around us! 

There is something special about roses that touches the very heart of man. Thanking Sally and her brave team for coming during Israel's greatest need.

During our soup kitchen outreaches this month, we experienced emotional pleas for prayer for children and grandchildren in the army. The prayers of our volunteers were received with gratitude and, at one point, the line for those wanting prayer became very long! Several Holocaust survivors asked for prayer for upcoming surgeries, for cancers to be healed, and one lady even received Yeshua as her Lord and Messiah! Praise God! It was absolutely amazing to watch her joyful transformation as she danced before the Lord! Please pray for these dear ones to receive mental and spiritual healing during these difficult days.

WOULD YOU, like to support one or more of our weekly soup kitchens, please CLICK here.

Above pictures: LOOK, at the joy and even better the JOY of the Lord!

Changing lives for eternity and His Kingdom purposes.

(The women dancing is the one who excepted Yeshua)

The month of October falls on the Hebrew calendar during the Hebrew month Tishrei where we observe the Feasts of the Lord in the autumn months beginning with Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets), followed by Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles), and described in detail in Leviticus 23. These feasts are a prophetic shadow of the Lord’s return and are always a very busy but special time of year for us and all of Israel! Please pray for peace, especially for our traumatized nation. We just passed the one year mark of the October 7 invasion and massacre of innocents with 101 hostages (at the time of this writing) still in capativity in Gaza. Your ongoing prayers for our IDF soldiers is highly coveted as well as your willingness to come and volunteer!

Would you like to support our IDF Soldiers? Please pray and click HERE to give. They put their life on the line daily for the very existence of Israel. Abundant Bread of Salvation, is helping them on several practical fronts. They ask us to thank you for your life giving support, especially during these Biblical Prophetical Feasts.

Our Netanyah offices and the distribution center have experienced the horrific rocket attacks you see on the news, threatening our staff and volunteers. We even had to call all of our food recipients to run into our bomb shelter on one occasion this weekI prayed for them and sang Psalms of comfort as well as Psalm 91. And yet, operations continue with an additional shipment of six pallets of emergency food, toilet paper and water for over 400 people per month locally. We need to raise an additional $9000 for these emergency provisions on top of our regular shipments received per month. You can help this effort by making a donation of any amount, but if you send $45 or more, we’re very pleased to be able to send you our beautiful new Messianic Biblical Art Calendar for 2024 / 2025! Please, just write the words (Biblical Calendar), when sending the above gift. CLICK HERE, to donate towards your Biblical Calendar.

Adopt-A-Survivor Program:

Recently, we were able to distribute checks into the hands of our Holocaust survivors enrolled in our Adopt-A-Survivor program, totaling $25,000Many tears of joy were shed because of this essential support. Thank you for your life saving efforts there! Your support is urgently needed, as their time with us is getting shorter and shorter by the day.

If you'd like to know more or to give financially towards the Adopt-A-Survivor Program, please click HERE. Be a life changer, be an eternal life giver to these precious ones.

We continue to provide tangible assistance to our local orphanages as well, purchasing bed sets, towels, pillows and SOCKS for over 120 orphans. Your generosity helps these precious children feel wanted, loved and more secure in this time of war. Thank you abundantly!

Pray for the orphans, give to the orphans, adopt an Israeli orphan, click HERE

Below, enjoy a few pictures of the new bed sets, pillows and towels freshly laid on their beds

 because of your generous support.

In His eternal grip,

Brian and the Abundant Bread of Salvation Team

Brian Slater-CEO / Projects Manager

Email Me at:

Who Are We? Learn More. Visit Our Website


Abundant Bread of Salvation

(213) 265-9796

Click on below Facebook tab and become a friend, if you are not already.



Please be sure to note "ABOS-Brian Slater in Israel" in memo/note or purpose section.

1) By mail. Please send checks made payable to "Blessing Israeli Believers", P.O. Box 2625, Pearland, TX 77588, or

2) On-line gifts via Paypal or E-Giving at:

3) Coming soon....more ways to give!

For those wanting to send donations directly to Israel and do not need a U.S. tax receipt, please email for wire/bank transfer instructions.